About Us

Have you ever been listening to a song and stopped what you were doing so you could take in the song fully? Maybe it gave you “the chills”, like so many songs do for me.

Well, that’s how I got into piano keyboards!

My journey into keyboards began with a fascination for how music affects all of us, and it led me to a new area of science called the “cognitive neuroscience of music”.

That’s a fancy way of saying “how music affects the brain”. And there’s a whole bunch of recent scientific research showing that when music enters our brain, a lot of wonderful things happen…

And the benefits of playing piano include making music – not just listening to it.

The benefits of playing the piano, in particular, have been found in dozens of studies. Studies have shown that playing the piano:

  • Improves the math skills of children
  • Contributes to an overall higher IQ
  • Improves social skills
  • Slows mental decline in seniors

And (as they say in late-night infomercials) much, much more!

Piano keyboards are just an amazing addition to any household, whether it’s to improve the brains of kids or adults, to make beautiful music, or just to have some fun with around the house.

And the bonus of keyboards is that they’re lighter, more mobile, and often cheaper than traditional acoustic pianos, while maintaining a quality of sound that’s often as good as an acoustic piano (although I’m not trying to stop you from buying a real baby grand. If you have the cash and space for one of those suckers, by all means, go ahead!)

If you’re looking for a keyboard at a decent price, here’s where I can help you:

  •  Looking for a good beginner’s keyboard? Start here.
  •  How about the best budget keyboard? Click here to learn more.
  •  I also cover the best keyboards for kids right here.

If you’re not sure which type of keyboard is best for you, check out my ultimate guide to the best piano keyboard and complete piano keyboard buyer’s guides.

On this site you’ll also find the best digital keyboards under various price points ($100, $500, $1,000, and $2,000).

Finally, I’m working on a “learning centre” where I’ll be adding tutorials for beginner players.

Once you’ve bought your piano keyboard, these are a couple of good choices for finding a qualified piano instructor near you (or you could just Google “piano teacher near me”. Make sure to check each teacher’s Google reviews!):

And here are a few blogs that have great videos and other resources for learning how to play at home:

And if you want to stay up-to-date on cool learning resources for playing the piano, make sure to click one of those social media thingys below to follow me:


To a life filled with music,

maurice muise

Maurice M.

e d i t o r at piano-keyboard-reviews dot c o m

P.S. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases – which means that if you buy a piano keyboard through one of the links on this site, I might make a small commission (but don’t worry – you don’t pay any extra!)